Keller Williams Main Line | Keller Williams Philadelphia - Jesus Govea
Jesus Govea
Keller Williams Main Line | Keller Williams Philadelphia
Ardmore, PA
English / Spanish
Licenca št.: RS355475 | 2437415 - PA / REALTOR® ob Jesus Govea | Licensed in PA
Vsaka pisarna Keller Williams® je v neodvisni lasti in upravljanju
Moje podrobnosti
JEZIKI English, Spanish
TRŽNICA CENTER Keller Williams Main Line | Keller Williams Philadelphia

O meni

I'm originally from South California and I made the move to Pennsylvania in 2008 to be closer to my family. I am married and soon to be a first time Dad! My family, including my dogs, are my motivation for everything I do. Having worked in banking, construction, and owning/managing a couple businesses, real estate encompasses those skills perfectly, making it an exciting career to be in. I have co-hosted the Norristown Latin Awards, where I was able to recognize strong leaders in the Norristown Latin community that inspire and give to others. Growing up as a minority and now being in a position where I can give back, help, and inspire others, that is what gives me the greatest sense of accomplishment.

My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Vnesite svoj e-poštni naslov ali telefonsko številko skupaj s hitrim sporočilom in odgovorili vam bomo v najkrajšem možnem času.
Prosimo, vnesite svoje ime.
Prosimo vnesite svoj priimek.
Prosimo, vnesite svoj e-poštni naslov. Vnesite veljaven elektronski naslov.
Vnesite veljavno telefonsko številko.
Vnesite svojo telefonsko številko. Vnesite veljavno telefonsko številko.
Prosim vnesite sporočilo
S klikom na »Pošlji sporočilo« potrjujete, da bodo vaši osebni podatki obravnavani v skladu z našim pravilnikom o zasebnosti in da bodo posredovani nepremičninskemu agentu Keller Williams ali tržnemu centru.
Sporočilo poslano
Nekaj je šlo narobe. Prosim poskusite ponovno.
Jesus Govea
Licenca št.: RS355475 | 2437415
Jesus Govea | Licensed in PA

Vas zanima? Pogovoriva se!
Keller Williams Main Line | Keller Williams Philadelphia
6 Coulter Ave., 2nd Floor | 1619 Walnut Street, 5th Floor Ardmore, PA 19003 | Philadelphia, PA 19103

Jesus Govea
REALTOR® RS355475 | 2437415
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